Novus Immigration

Canada Immigration Consultants
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Canada Immigration Consultants in Delhi


Canada Immigration Consultants

The Best Canada Immigration Consultants in Delhi or the best immigration consultants in India for Australia who are regulated by ICCRC or MARA respectively to evaluate your current profile and ascertain your prospects. Every customer is different, everyone has one or the other problem in terms of CRS scores, transcripts, IELTS, NOC codes, financial statements, medical assessments, police clearance certificate, travel history etc.

You need a professional to take care of the entire documentation part, counsel you on how to go about obtaining it, making sure the Canadian or Australian Immigration laws are adhered to and promptly update you on the progress of your file.

You need someone who can bring out the best possible solution for your specific profile, this expertise comes only if one has spent years working in the Australian Immigration services or in the Canadian Immigration services.

There are legit methods to circumvent obstacles and to incorporate such methods you cannot depend on a layman who cannot be held responsible for your visa outcome. Therefore, it’s a ‘One Point Solution’ you need which caters to all the nitty-gritty surrounding your positive visa outcome for a new future. Our procedures are individualized and tailored to each of our client’s personal needs.


ICCRC is the national regulatory body that promotes and protects the public interest by overseeing regulated immigration and citizenship consultants and international student advisors/counsellors.

ICCRC’s federal mandate arises from the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (RPA) and the Citizenship Act that require anyone providing Canadian immigration or citizenship advice or representation for a fee or other consideration to be a member in good standing of ICCRC. Exceptions are members in good standing of a law society in Canada or the Chambre des notaires du Quebec.

Individuals providing Canadian immigration/citizenship services abroad are subject to Canadian law even if they reside outside of Canada.

Standard with all regulatory bodies, ICCRC fulfils its mandate by:

  • Establishing entry-to-practice requirements of applicants seeking admission into the regulated professions
  • Licensing professionals
  • Receiving, investigating and adjudicating complaints
  • Administering a disciplinary process to sanction professionals who fail to meet the regulators standards.

Who Is a Licensed Representative? Why Do I Need One?

Immigration and citizenship representatives:

  • Explain and give advice on your immigration or citizenship options.
  • Help you choose the best immigration program for you.
  • Fill & submity our immigration or citizenship application.
  • Communicate with the Government of Canada on your behalf.
  • Represent you in an immigration or citizenship application or hearing.
  • Advertise that they can give immigration or citizenship advice.

You can check if a person is licensed to represent immigrants or to give advice. Citizenship or immigration consultants must be a member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council.

Firstly, you don’t need to hire an immigration advisor for your immigration application filing purposes if you can do it by yourself.

LASTLY, we mean BUSINESS, i.e. legitimate service for a legal fee. No hidden costs, No conditions apply. No middlemen, No sales strategies, No discounts, No persuasive consultation, purely POINT BLANK HONEST CONSULTATION & a “ONE POINT CONTACT”.

You could get a free assessment for Canada Permanent Residence from our Canada Immigration Consultants in Delhi.

Immigration procedures can be confusing and mind boggling especially while choosing the best route for yourself. We will simplify it for you. 15 quality minutes of FREE consultation with our highly experienced and the Best Canada Immigration Consultants in Delhi will leave you with no doubts as to whether you stand a chance or not. Immigration to Canada is a choice you make. We will arm you with a clear vision and plan of action. So you exactly know what your first step and subsequent action needs to be, in order to make your Canadian Immigration dream come true.

Yes! you have taken the most important decision of your life. Now leave it to us to choose the best route for you to your dream destination and to make the process easier, faster, more efficient. The best Immigration advice is that which is absolutely result oriented. We will show you how.

Do not qualify for Express entry? we can consider other pathways, for ex-Business Investor Class, Self – employed class etc. The Immigration consultants in Delhi for Canada can only provide you the services if they can afford to have a Canadian lawyer or a ICCRC regulated profession on board. So, if you are looking for Canada Immigration and Visa Consultants in Delhi for Canada who is authorized by ICCRC then look no further. We are here to help.

Our goal is simple. Work hard for our clients to achieve the best possible immigration results. Our lawyers have been doing it for so long that they know it in the back of their hands. Some of our competitive advantages are:

  • Global brand with offices in Canada and India
  • We Have Multiple RCIC’s & Lawyers, not just one!
  • Affordable & transparent fee structure
  • Outright honest & unbiased consultation
  • Archive of successful varied & complicated cases.
  • Work ethos resonating with the client goals
Canada Immigration Consultants


We take pride in telling you that unlike Canada Immigration and Visa Consultants in Delhi we haven’t hired an ICCRC Regulated consultant to just sign our client’s documents. Our director himself is the RCIC who will be directly handling your application. On the other hand, when you go to the so called “Best Canada Immigration Consultant in Delhi” you will notice that they all claim affiliation to a RCIC and hence if you choose to get direct consultation or authorized representation on your file they will explain to you that it will be more expensive and hence not preferred by them.These Immigration Consultants for Canada in Delhi find it cheaper to give you consultation through their untrained staff who have as much knowledge you have about the system that you can reasonably gather online. To have an ICCRC Regulated consultant giving you one on one consultation, these immigration consultant firms will have to spend way higher than the seemingly very cheap fees they offer their services at. That’s why they can get the same work done by a layman with no qualification or licensure in the immigration field. The team that runs Novus Immigration Services are personally all regulated by ICCRC & MARA, plus are lawyers too. We would appreciate it if you don’t blindly believe in our words but cross verify the same on the federal websites. There are so many unauthorized agents/immigration consultants, however almost 95% in India aren’t legally authorized to provide immigration services and hence it’s very important for customers to do their thorough study and not fall for heavy marketing. We are recognized by the Government of Canada to represent you in all of the provinces of Canada. Do your research and choose wisely!

Not just another RCIC

Expertise is indeed enriched only with experience. Our directors started practicing immigration much before the Express entry even came into being. They are also lawyers who have practiced law in India. With years of experience in their kitty especially catering mostly to Indian clientele, their proficiency in the Indian legal framework also adds to the efficiency in their application processes. At Novus, the senior RCIC’s recruit new RCIC’s and provide them training in different domains. Hence, we are probably the oldest and have the best consultant services for Canada immigration in Delhi.


We believe in the saying “You reap what you Sow” and adhere to the ethical standards set out for us by ICCRC in our day to day dealings with our clients. Every Immigration consultancy in India works to make money, that’s obvious. However, what is important is that nobody is defrauded or misled into believing, hoping and dreaming a future that is impossible. You will notice that majority of the ‘best immigration consultants in India ‘play on the ‘hopes of naïve clients’ who are aspiring to immigrate. It’s understood that immigration to Canada from India requires a high CRS score, or you need to have an offer letter from a designated employer. Majority of the applicants do not possess the required attributes to make the cut for immigration to Canada from India. Still it’s so common to find aspirants falling to the persuasive counseling of local immigration consultants for whom the only target is to meet their ‘sales count for the month”. We believe in calling a ‘spade a spade’, it is prudent to not take cases of clients who really don’t stand a chance rather than luring them to sign up for the sake of meeting sales targets. All regulated professionals from ICCRC have to abide the “CODE OF ETHICS “and can be sued for incompetency or fraudulent practices. We are transparent in our pricing which is mentioned on our website, we don’t believe in compromising on the standards for your Immigration dreams. We refuse to take cases which we feel doesn’t have a high possibility or prospect of achieving a successful outcome or has any inadmissibility factor involved. Yet we try to help such clients by directing them on the right path and means to fulfill their dreams.


We believe in keeping you informed no matter what the outcome is. There is disclosure at every relevant stage. From what we have studied and researched, the best Immigration consultants in India do not seem.

To really care for their clients. We are telling you our personal experiences with clients who have come to us after they signed up with the so termed ‘one of the best immigration consultants in Delhi’. It is crucial for the client to know what is the entire documentation that is required from his behalf for the entire process. We make sure that even the minute details are communicated to the client at the very beginning even before we file the Expression of Interest. It is not possible for applicants to provide necessary documents in just mere 60 days and hence the same is communicated at the very onset. On every stage of the application the client is personally notified by ICCRC, MARA consultants or the lawyers on our panel. The right information conveyed at the right time saves a lot of trouble, simplifies the process and significant progress is made.

The crucial part is not just the filing and submission, but to apply for each province as and when the appropriate category opens up, this would be different for every client as per the provincial eligibility, NOC code and many other factors at that point. The aim of our Canada immigration consultants in Delhi is to ensure that you & your family Immigrate to Canada Through Express Entry Visa. We maximize the chances so that no opportunities are left unattended.

Quality Is Remembered Long After the Price Is Forgotten

It’s imperative that we provide excellent service to our customers. With a wealth of competition, companies that don’t compete on customer experience will lose customers to those that are continually delighting and providing a high quality of service.

Immigration Dynamics have Drastically Changed!

Canada’s Express Entry immigration system is competitive. Only the candidates with the highest Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores receive invitations to apply for permanent resident status. The recent statistics for 2019 show that 90% of the draws have been above CRS 450 and the last few months of 2019 have shown a spike in the scores hovering around 460 to 470 CRS.

You have created a profile, but the CRS is a dynamic system and your score is not “locked in” —you can take steps to improve it. Therefore, every aspirant must make the right choice of choosing the best Canada immigration consultants in Delhi so that no CRS points are left unclaimed on the table.